MON-SAT8AM - 7PMCALL US+(240) 542-4810


We cover emergency, prevention, rehabilitation, short-term and long-term care, hospital, primary care, palliative and hospice medicine, immigration physical and much more. Our services are centered around making health care accessible, high quality, and patient-centered.
Our services

What services Sacred Heart Medical Group PC offers?

For the better you

Family health care

We provide routine check-ups to help manage chronic conditions. Our care team work together to
provide friendly personalized care to all members of your family from babies to the aged.


Vaccination Guide

Travel Immunization

If you plan visiting another country, visit our clinic as part of the preparations towards the travelling. We
will ensure you have everything you need by reviewing your medical history and travel plans.


View the inner you

Immigration Physical

We provide wide range of diagnostics and screening. Our aim is to give you the rest of mind that you
deserve and we want to achieve that, by giving you, prompt and accurate results.


Know the facts and benefits

Medical Cannabis /Marijuana

We provide a safe and compliant facility where qualifying patients can be attended to by compassionate doctors in a comfortable and non-judgemental environment.
We educate qualifying patients about the therapeutic and palliative benefits of medical marijuana.


Find out more about your condition

Urgent Care

We offer non-emergency care for minor illnesses or injuries such as cut, sore throat, ear infection, minor burn, bladder/urinary tract infection (UTI), and other general discomforts or illnesses.


Women medical care

Well Woman Visit

Well-woman visit is all about preventive and planning were our patients are not just tested but have the opportunity to ask no holds bar questions on different topics such as nutrition, sex life, family health history, stress levels, medications. Nothing is off the table in this discussion.


How we do it?

Our process

Objectively integrate enterprise-wide strategic theme areas with functionalized infrastructures. Interactively productize premium technologies whereas interdependent quality vectors.

What we do

We care about you

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We give you

Medical advices

Nam et augue ipsum. Duis maximus sagittis pulvinar. Aliquam erat lorem, tempus a placerat vel, tristique eget est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.

We offer professional

Medical services

Proin ultrices, lorem ac maximus laoreet, ante neque viverra libero, non auctor leo eros vel lorem. Morbi dictum consectetur tristique.

Find out more

More services

Hospice, Geriatic and Palliative Medicine

Our care teams offer a variety of clinical services to older patients including comprehensive geriatric assessment; wound care, fall analysis and prevention, screening for dementia, and depression.

We give you

Medical advices

Quisque imperdiet vel odio nec scelerisque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus eu hendrerit ex.

We offer professional

Medical services

Quisque felis felis, facilisis eu maximus non, luctus ac dui. Duis ac ultrices felis, quis volutpat ipsum. Aenean augue metus, suscipit non risus quis.

We are


Nullam vitae mi nec orci venenatis aliquet. Donec eget lacus dignissim, vehicula ligula ac, pharetra purus. Nunc tempus egestas arcu, ac maximus elit lacinia sed.

Great practice means great health care

Medicare in numbers

Dynamically target high-payoff intellectual capital for customized technologies. Objectively integrate emerging core competencies.


Progressively maintain extensive infomediaries via extensible niches.


Progressively maintain extensive infomediaries via extensible niches.


Efficiently enable enabled sources and cost effective products.


Efficiently innovate open-source infrastructures via inexpensive materials.

– Sports and School Physical

– Allergy Testing and Treatment

– Hospice, Geriatric and Palliative Medicine

– STD’s Screening & Treatment

– Annual Physical

– Immigration Physical

Visit us on social :

Visit us on social networks:

+(240) 542-4810

Call us now if you are in a medical emergency need, we will reply swiftly and provide you with a medical aid.

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